Cefalù – Sicily

Cefalù and the Cathedral

One of the most beautiful Villages in Italy

Among the numerous and interesting excursions organized by the Hotel “La Baia di Ulisse, Cefalù cannot be missed.

Cefalù is located at 70 km from Palermo, at the foot of a rocky promontory. The town, which is part of the Madonie Regional Natural Park, also belongs to the club of the most beautiful villages in Italy. The historical center has a medieval structure characterized by narrow streets, paved with pebbles of the beach and limestone of the fortress. Of particular interest the Basilica Cathedral: built in 1131 by Roger II, has three naves divided by tall columns, with figurative capitals; in the right aisle, there is a Romanesque baptismal font, while in the center, shiny twentieth-century mosaics reflect the Sicilian sunlight. Attached to the Cathedral is a 12th century cloister, destroyed by fire during the 1500s; Piazza del Duomo feautures some baroque-styled buildings : the Seminario, Palazzo Vescovile, Palazzo Piraino and Palazzo Maria. Along Corso Ruggero you can reach Via Carlo Ortolano di Bordonaro, which forms the connecting axis between two ancient gates: “Giudecca” and “Mare”.

Worth seeing is also the Mandralisca Museum, where there are ancient marbles, coins, paintings and shells; among the pieces of art of the museum we can mention the famous Ritratto di Ignoto Marinaio painted by Antonello da Messina, an oil painting dating back to 1465. Other interesting attraction is the fortress of Cefalù, which offers a splendid panoramic view of the town; in addition to the remains of the fortification, here stands the Temple of Diana.
From August 2nd to 6th there is the Feast of the Santissimo Salvatore, patron saint of the Cathedral: the last day of the festivities takes place a competition called Antinna a mari, which sees young and old fishermen reaching out for a colored flag attached to the tip of a very long trunk fixed in the sea, made slippery by soap.


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